
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with Water Damage

Water damage can be a flood of problems. From structural damage to health hazards, it’s a situation that requires prompt action to prevent further issues. Unfortunately, many people make common mistakes when dealing with water damage that can cost them a pretty penny. So, grab your rubber boots, and wade through some of the most common mistakes to avoid when dealing with water damage.

Mistake #1: Waiting too long to start the cleanup process.

Water damage can be a natural drip. It’s one of those situations where the longer you wait, the worse it gets. Unfortunately, many people need more time to start the cleanup process when dealing with water damage. But, as with most things in life, procrastination can come at a hefty cost. Waiting too long to start the cleanup process is the first mistake people often make when dealing with water damage. 

Grab a towel and explore why acting fast is essential when it involves water.

  • Mold and mildew growth: When water sits too long, it creates the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. These fungi can start to grow in as little as 24-48 hours and can cause health issues for the occupants of the property.
  • Structural damage: Water can weaken the structure of a building over time, causing walls, ceilings, and floors to become unstable. It can result in costly repairs and, in extreme cases, even pose a safety risk.
  • Higher repair costs: Repairing water damage can slowly cause more harm. Acting more quickly can help minimize the damage and prevent further issues.
  • Business interruptions: For commercial properties, waiting too long to start the cleanup process can result in business interruptions. It can lead to lost revenue and damage to the company’s reputation.
  • Stress and emotional toll: Dealing with water damage can be stressful and emotionally draining. Waiting too long to start the cleanup process can prolong the situation, adding stress and emotional toll on occupants and property owners.

Mistake #2: Not correctly identifying the source of the water.

It’s easy to lose focus when fixing water damage. But failing to identify the source of the water is like trying to stop a leaky boat without plugging the hole. You can bail out all the water you want, but if you don’t fix the source of the problem, you’re just delaying the inevitable.

Here is a list of potential effects of failing to correctly identify the source of the water when dealing with water damage:

  • Ongoing damage: If you don’t recognize the source of the water, the damage can continue to spread and worsen over time. It can lead to more extensive repairs and higher costs in the long run.
  • Health risks: Depending on the water source, health risks can be associated with prolonged exposure. 
  • Insurance complications: Correctly identify the water source to ensure the claims process is timely. Insurance companies typically require detailed information about the cause and extent of the damage. It can delay the claims process and potentially reduce the payout if you cannot provide this information.
  • Reoccurring damage: If you do not identify and address the damage, the same problem can occur again. It can lead to repeated wear and higher costs over time.

Mistake #3: Not drying the area well enough.

When it comes to water damage, drying out the affected area is crucial. It’s like trying to build a sandcastle without letting the sand dry – it won’t hold up. However, not properly drying the affected area is a common mistake when dealing with water damage.

Explore why failing to dry out the affected area can cause various issues below.

  • Increased risk of electrical hazards: If the water damage has affected electrical components in the affected area, failing to dry it out properly can increase the risk of electrical hazards, such as shocks or fires.
  • Lower air quality: If you do not dry the area properly, the excess moisture will cause higher humidity levels and lower air quality. 
  • Bacterial and viral growth: Not correctly drying the affected area can create a breeding ground for harmful microbes. 
  • Damage to personal belongings: Water can seep into fabrics, damage electronic components, and cause paper documents to warp or become unreadable.

Mistake #4: Not correctly disinfecting the affected area

Everyone has heard the phrase “cleanliness is next to godliness,” but what about when it comes to water damage? It’s not enough to dry out the affected area and call it a day. Not properly disinfecting the affected area is another mistake people often make when dealing with water damage.

  • Staining and discoloration: It can lead to staining and discoloration of surfaces, which can be difficult or impossible to remove.
  • Pest infestations: Water damage can attract pests such as rodents, insects, and other animals. It can lead to further damage and health hazards.
  • Property devaluation: It can reduce the value of a property and make it difficult to sell.

Mistake #5: Not contacting a professional

Everyone likes to think of ourselves as capable, resourceful individuals who can handle any challenge that comes our way. But when it comes to water damage, it’s not always wise to go it alone. Another common mistake people make when dealing with water damage is not calling a professional. Professionals like the water damage repair service in Overland Park, have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to assess the damage and begin the cleanup process properly. 

Keep Your Head Above Water

Dealing with water damage can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, but avoiding common mistakes can make all the difference. From promptly starting the cleanup process to disinfecting the affected area and contacting a professional, taking the necessary steps can ensure your home gets a good cleanup. 

Remember, water damage may leave your home in disarray, but it doesn’t have to leave you feeling lost and hopeless. With some foresight and the right approach, you can turn a problematic situation into a chance to learn and grow. So, don’t let water damage get the best of you. Stay vigilant, stay proactive, and most importantly, stay dry.

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